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Get Real With Your Budget

Use the first and only real budget software on the planet

Have your own "bottom line"

A Real Budget

A Real Budget calculates your net cash flow (income minus expenses) twice each month. A red net cash flow in the coming months indicates that on that date you plan to spend more than you will have available. You can see, and fix, future planned overspending before it becomes today's problem.

Experience the comfort of having a financial plan

There's nothing more comforting than knowing you have a comprehensive, easy to maintain plan for how you will be using your money

  • Instead of worrying about money you're doing something about it
  • Your budget is easy to discuss with others
  • You enjoy your money instead of being stressed
  • You are able to make good buying choices
  • You pay your bills on time
  • You have a comfortable plan for eliminating debt
  • You have a retirement plan in place
  • Your emergency fund is automatic
  • You control your spending with a simple weekly allowance
  • You use short- and long-term savings to reach your financial goals

What to expect

A Real Budget features

Describe the when and how much of your current household finances. A Real Budget uses your descriptions to build and then continuously maintain your twelve month budget for you.

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All types of incomes can be included in your budget.

- Paycheck amounts that do not vary, or vary slightly (watch video)
- Paychecks that are based on hours worked (watch video)
- Unpredictable amounts and frequency (watch video)

With a budget that consolidates all of your household finances into a twice monthly spending plan, you are not concerned with when paydays happen.

Controlling spending is the key to successful budgeting. Failure to control spending is the primary reason people get into trouble with their household finances.

You control spending by giving yourself a weekly allowance. You always have money in your pocket for day-to-day spending because you are never more than six days from having more cash to spend regardless of when paydays happen. (watch video)

A Real Budget schedules all of your bill payments for you. You pay your bills twice a month using the automatic checklist that organizes your payments into:

- Automatic payments
- Payments either made online (bill pay service) or with a credit card
- Manual payments such as by check

All types of bills can be included in your budget. For example:

- Monthly payments that are always the same (watch video)
- Monthly payments that vary slightly (watch video)
- Monthly payments that vary periodically (watch video)
- Yearly payments are always the same (watch video)
- Payments are unpredictable (watch video)

A Real Budget offers a 4-step method you can use to stay on top of your credit cards to:

- Avoid paying interest
- Identify and dispute fraudulent charges
- Always know how your charging activity is affecting your finances
- Simplify the reconciling of credit card statements

Automate your sinking funds to save up to buy something.

Use short-term savings to achieve your immediate goals:

- Emergency fund
- Periodic savings to pay large expenses that are predictable in both amount and frequency
- Ongoing savings to handle expected expenses for which the cost and frequency are unknown

Set aside money for long-term savings to reach a large future goal, like building wealth, as well as prepare for events, such as retirement.

The real benefits

A Real Budget benefits

Making ends meet with your 12-month budget is a matter of keeping your future net cash flow (income minus expenses) in the black. Should a future net cash flow be negative (red), you will have time to adjust your spending plan to keep it "in the black" before a future shortfall becomes today's problem.

Create custom payoff plans for:

- One debt using your choice of payment amount or number of payments
- Multiple debts using a debt snowball
- A credit card with a high balance using the automatic amortization feature

Play "what if?" to see the outcome of changes to your budget that you are considering before you commit. You can change your budget by making temporary "let's pretend" changes to anything.

With A Real Budget you manage the money that flows into and out of one checking account.

The checking account transaction register is maintained for you. The balancing of checking account statements is simplified to help you stay current on this monthly task.

Who it's for

Who A Real Budget is for

  • High school students learning about household finances and how to manage the income they will soon be earning
  • College students living on a limited income and/or the proceeds from a student loan
  • Anyone with an income looking to live their best life while preparing for retirement
  • Retirees maximizing their benefit from their retirement funds
  • Engaged couples planning their soon-to-be combined household finances with the Advanced Plan feature

A Real Budget has changed our lives for the better. We can now see exactly where our money is going at a glance and set funds aside every month without a complete lifestyle change.

We never had a manageable way to keep a handle on our finances and the impact of our choices. The picture that A Real Budget creates helps us to make well informed and objective decisions. Love it!

I really love the ability to forecast out to plan. Compared to what I was used to in terms of dwelling in the past of what was spent, I like the
future focus and
preplanning aspect of A Real Budget!

Budget your money with confidence

Start today

Having a complete picture of your household finances in one dynamic spreadsheet is amazing. You have a clear, year-long picture of where you are, where you're headed, and what's possible. That's the surefire cure for the anxiety, lack of sleep, wasted time and frustration that money can cause.

That's real financial peace of mind.

What does A Real Budget mean?

To find out, compare the awesome features of A Real Budget to the same-old ineffective, traditional, paycheck-by-paycheck budgeting offered by these alternatives.




You Need A Budget




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